How to Sponsor

Increase brand awareness to a group of 700+ spill prevention and response professionals at CLEAN PACIFIC 2018. Our sponsorships are designed to showcase environmental stewardship, increase brand visibility and deliver leads. In order to meet the specific needs of your company, sponsorships can be customized and tailored to fit your goals of investing in CLEAN PACIFIC.

Reserving a sponsorship is easy!

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Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorships start as low as $1,000 and can be customized to fit your needs and budget.  View the complete list of opportunities here.  

Sponsorship opportunities available for CLEAN PACIFIC 2018 include:

Please contact Anastasia Bisson at 530-363-3506 for sponsorship inquiries.  

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Quick Info

Oregon Convention Center
Portland, Oregon
Hall B

June 19-21, 2018


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